News and Blog Articles

The Writers Corner - Details and Organization

Great ideas which move you to the core don't come every day. They are as precious as the finest jewels. When you do get them, now what? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your ideas? This question plagues writers a great deal. You write a few lines, only to lose steam. Motivation fades like the setting sun and your project goes into mothballs.

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The Writer's Corner

Have you ever felt the crushing weight of a blank page? This is something I know I have. However, with the experience I have, authoring several books, I know I can help to overcome this overwhelming experience. You can find more about purchasing them by clicking here. Let me take you on a common journey. Imagine yourself a writer who wants to turn the idea in your head into a book.

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Gracie's Corner

Hi, I wanted to take some time to help make summer swimming activities enjoyable and safe for everyone. Here are some tips I’ve learned from experience.

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Helen's Corner

Cooking for my family is one of my greatest delights. I remember it was some of the best times with my daughter, as she too loves to cook. 

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The Conclusion is Almost here

May 1st will mark the close of an era. The final core book in my series, Crossing the Bridge to Eternity, is coming soon! Get your eBook or print copy as this is an entry you will not want to miss! Click here to see my books on Amazon!

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